Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Week 4 - Homework for week of September 29, 2011

This week's homework can be printed here.

ALSO: We're going to begin reading Eight Cousins by LM Alcott next week, so make sure that you have a copy.

DU: 3-strong verb, 4-quality adjective 6- because clause
SO: 1-subject, 3-ly opener, 6-VSS (very short sentence)
Banned Words: see/saw, go/went, say/said, big/small, pretty,

EDITS to the assignments:
We did Donkey & Driver last week, so complete the paper I announced in class: Two Frogs & the Well. This is 3 paragraphs, but it is a team project, so you will each write 1 paragraph.

DO NOT complete the story chart for A5A (Across Five Aprils). You are listing 2 literary devices from each chapter assigned in the A5A reading this week.

We started week 4 of fixits, not week 5.

Do not do the grammar application of the vocabulary assignment. But please make sure you include a vocabulary term in your paper. (Because it's a team project you will each include 1 vocab term in your paragraph. The paper will end up having 3 vocabulary words in it when you are all done writing.)

Please complete poem 2 & 3 if you haven't done so already. :)

Suggested Schedule:

NOTE: Make sure that you notate on all your papers the class date, NOT the date you begin or complete the assignment. This ensures that I record your assignment grades in the correct place.

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