Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Week 1 - Homework Assignments for September 8, 2011

This week's homework can be printed here.

Adjustments that were made during class are as follows:
No literature assignments, vocabulary, or grammar assignments are to be completed. We did not get to them in class, therefore I am not requiring them to complete them at home this week. I will explain those assignments next week in class. MAKE sure that you read chapters 1-3 of Across Five Aprils. I did not assign it in class, but it is important that you read those three chapters.
Please make sure that you type your papers up and email me a copy. If you are using google docs, just make sure that you 'share' the document with me. :)
You all did a great job in class! 

Suggested Schedule:

NOTE: Make sure that you notate on all your papers the class date, NOT the date you begin or complete the assignment. This ensures that I record your assignment grades in the correct place.

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