Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Week 4 - Homework for week of September 29, 2011

This week's homework can be printed here.

ALSO: We're going to begin reading Eight Cousins by LM Alcott next week, so make sure that you have a copy.

DU: 3-strong verb, 4-quality adjective 6- because clause
SO: 1-subject, 3-ly opener, 6-VSS (very short sentence)
Banned Words: see/saw, go/went, say/said, big/small, pretty,

EDITS to the assignments:
We did Donkey & Driver last week, so complete the paper I announced in class: Two Frogs & the Well. This is 3 paragraphs, but it is a team project, so you will each write 1 paragraph.

DO NOT complete the story chart for A5A (Across Five Aprils). You are listing 2 literary devices from each chapter assigned in the A5A reading this week.

We started week 4 of fixits, not week 5.

Do not do the grammar application of the vocabulary assignment. But please make sure you include a vocabulary term in your paper. (Because it's a team project you will each include 1 vocab term in your paragraph. The paper will end up having 3 vocabulary words in it when you are all done writing.)

Please complete poem 2 & 3 if you haven't done so already. :)

Suggested Schedule:

NOTE: Make sure that you notate on all your papers the class date, NOT the date you begin or complete the assignment. This ensures that I record your assignment grades in the correct place.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Literature: AFA Literary Devices

Literary Devices:
This is just to help you see the literary devices in the material you've been reading the past three weeks. Don't worry if you can't remember them all, we'll be going over them through out the year. Also, I listed a couple that weren't mentioned in the last class; they're listed here for future reference.

Chapters 4-6 Literary focus: style - literary devices

Hunt uses various types of literary devices in Across Five Aprils. Her greatest strength in helping articulate her story is through one specific literary device. It is used throughout the entire book --dialect. Dialect is specific language that is used by a particular a group of people or in particular place.

REVIEW: Literary Devices found in chapters 1-3:
1. simile - "She was a small, spare woman with large dark eyes and skin as brown and dry as leather."
By comparing her skin to leather, one understands the 'roughness' and 'dryness' of Mrs. Creighton's skin.

Here you can see dried up leather and brand new leather:
Worn, dried leather vs new leather

2. She uses alliteration.

"...but she saw signs of special talents..."
3. Personification
"Oak, maple, and poplar; sumac, wild-grape, and dogwood -- they all smiled at him that afternoon, and they said, 'What war, little boy, what war?'"
4. allusion
"'...old feller's name was, the one that done all the figgerin'?' 'His name was Copernicus.'"
5. cliche
"Well, the pot can't call the kettle black--..."
6. assonance 
 "Pretty girls in their best summer dresses begged for funds..."

Literary Devices: Chapters 4-6 
Just like last week, you're still focusing on the importance of literary devices. Continue to pay attention to the devices Hunt uses. Below are a few examples of the allusions she used in chapter 4-6.

Allusion "Thou too, Brutus?"p56 - This is an allusion to an event in history. Specifically, Julius Caesar being opposed by his closest friend, Brutus. Shad feels similarly about Jeb opposing him.(Note: If you are still NOT comfortable in understanding allusions, don't worry. I'll be explaining them through out this school year.)

You can find a more literary devices on the following pages of the book:
(I'm using the Berkley Jam Book edition. ISBN # 0-425-18278-9, so unless you have the same version, your pages will be slightly different.)
  • Simile, p66 - end of chapter 4
  • Allusion - p69 - beginning of chapter 5
  • Assonance - p71 - beginning of chapter 5
  • Personification - p75 - middle of chapter 5

Week 3 - Homework

 This week's homework can be printed here.

Edits from class: Write the story we outlined in class by yourself. 1 paragraph!

Suggested Schedule:

NOTE: Make sure that you notate on all your papers the class date, NOT the date you begin or complete the assignment. This ensures that I record your assignment grades in the correct place.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 2 - Homework for September 15, 2011

This week's homework can be printed here.

Important note: complete the paper I gave you in class, not the one I wrote below.
Also, you are NOT completing the literature assignment for this week.

Make sure that you "share" you writing composition with me on googledocs. The video will be posted later this week to help you with formatting & using google docs.

Suggested Schedule:

NOTE: Make sure that you notate on all your papers the class date, NOT the date you begin or complete the assignment. This ensures that I record your assignment grades in the correct place.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Test check that those subscribed are receiving blog posts.

Week 1: Writing - KWO

Today you learned about Key Word Outlines--KWO--and how to write a paragraph from the Cephalopods outline.
Don't forget the KWO rule:
#s & @s R

Do you remember what that means?
Well, I won't tell you. But, I will tell you where you can find the answer. It's in your resource binder. :)

In today's class, you learned following three stylistic techniques.
  1. dressup 3 - strong verb
  2. dressup 6 - because clause
  3. sentence opener 1 - subject

This week you'll be typing up your paragraph with the stylistic techniques we learned. Make sure that you format your papers correctly and make sure you email me a copy by Tuesday.

What should your paper look like? Check your resource binder for an example of a correctly formatted paper. Here are few reminders:
  • CLASS date & name
  • class & teacher name
  • draft number
  • double-spaced 

Title: Across Five Aprils
Author: Irene Hunt
Reading Dates: Sept  8 - Oct 5
This is a beautifully written book, filled with bloodshed, hate, and tears, but also with love, loyalty, and compassion, with unforgettable characters, and with ideas and implications that have meaning for young people today.—Chicago Tribune  

Published when Irene Hunt was 57 years old, Across Five Aprils was the first book she ever printed. Amazingly, it received four awards! Taking the time to carefully research the culture and events of the Civil War, Hunt skillfully integrated historical fact & personal stories. Heavily gleaning from letters, records, and stories from her grandfather, Hunt created believable characters and places within the pages of her first novel.

What it's about:
Across Five Aprils is a story about the Creighton family and their struggle to survive during the Civil War. More specifically, it's about Jethro Creighton, a courageous boy who learns to deal with war, family death, and personal responsibility.  Because of the events in his life, he is forced to grow up quickly. As readers, we watch him transform & develop as a character through the Five Aprils of the Civil War.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Week 1 - Homework Assignments for September 8, 2011

This week's homework can be printed here.

Adjustments that were made during class are as follows:
No literature assignments, vocabulary, or grammar assignments are to be completed. We did not get to them in class, therefore I am not requiring them to complete them at home this week. I will explain those assignments next week in class. MAKE sure that you read chapters 1-3 of Across Five Aprils. I did not assign it in class, but it is important that you read those three chapters.
Please make sure that you type your papers up and email me a copy. If you are using google docs, just make sure that you 'share' the document with me. :)
You all did a great job in class! 

Suggested Schedule:

NOTE: Make sure that you notate on all your papers the class date, NOT the date you begin or complete the assignment. This ensures that I record your assignment grades in the correct place.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Homework for September 1, 2010

Homework for September 1, 2010

1. Please print out your pages on the student resource disc and place them into your binder.

It is super easy. Just open the pdf file and print the entire file. It's long...250+ pages! Each new section has a title page labeled as "Divider #" you should place the divider tab before each of these pages in your binder.

2. Also, make sure you have all your other class materials ready for your first class (filler paper, writing utensils, and highlighters). You do not need to bring in your Blue Book of Grammar(BBG) book this week. 

If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email.
See you all on Thursday!
-Miss Brittney