Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Week 7 - Homework for October 20, 2011

1. Writing - LAST WEEK FOR STORY SEQUENCE OUTLINES! Please write a story based on one of the songs you chose. This will be 3 paragraphs and will include all the style techniques we discussed in class. (DU (underlined): 1-who/which, 2-ly, 3-strong verb, 4-quality adj,, SO: 1-subject, 3-ly,, 6-VSS, DEC(dotted underline): 1-alliteration, 7-question/command. Make sure that you also HIGHLIGHT your vocabulary word!)

2. Vocabulary - next lesson
3. Fix its - next lesson
4. Poetry - next lesson

5. Literature - Eight Cousins: Continue your character files (due at the end of the book)
6. Literature - begin to fill out the story chart on Eight Cousins. (due at the end of the book)
Both the above assignments should be brought into class each week for evaluation, and so that everyone can discuss what they are observing from the book. (BTW:We will end the book the week of November 3-9.)
7. Reading - Eight Cousins, chapters 11-15

NOTE: Make sure that you notate on all your papers the class date, NOT the date you begin or complete the assignment. This ensures that I record your assignment grades in the correct place.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Week 6 - Homework for October 13, 2011

1. Pick 2 songs.
2. write an outline on 1 of the songs
3. write the story from the song outline we did in class.
4. vocabulary - next lesson
5. fix its - next lesson
6. literature - read chapters 5-10 in Eight Cousins
7. continue jotting down facts about the characters for your character file. :)

NOTE: Make sure that you notate on all your papers the class date, NOT the date you begin or complete the assignment. This ensures that I record your assignment grades in the correct place.